Sellers with exceptional performance metrics and a proven history of selling these types of items for a minimum of90 days may be eligible to list more items. 有非常良好的表现并且在此类物品销售方面保持最少90天的正面出售记录的卖家将可能获得刊登资格。
Please select an eligible license code from the list and press the 'Delete' button again. 请从列表中选择一个合格的许可证代码,再按删除按钮。
You can only override license codes which have already been activated. Please select an eligible license code from the list and press the override button again. 您只能替代已被启用的许可证代码。请从列表中选择一个合格的许可证代码,再按替代按钮。
Eligible prospective tenants, including Waiting List applicants, will soon be offered an option to buy their housing units instead of renting them. 合资格的准公屋租户,包括轮候册申请人,不久将可以选择购买而非租住公屋单位。
Therefore, the majority of eligible securities which want to realize list through IPO cannot list until 2009. 因此,即使符合条件,券商至少也要等到2009年,才能通过IPO实现上市。
Since our country announced the second batch of pension business eligible list in 2007, various financial institutions began to create their own pension system. 自2007年国家公布第二批经营企业年金业务的资格名单以来,各家金融机构都开始着手打造各自的企业年金业务系统。